The matrons of skid row and their bellicose bickering

They will lie, cheat, defame, vandalize, steal, and attack. If the police show up, they'll do their best to play the victim. Some will actually send out their children to "get even." The real problem is if you find yourself dealing with police officers on containment duty. Their negligence is quickly recognized and, essentially, becomes encouragement. That's when your life becomes surreal... and miserable.

Mandy Hall




May 2008
An introduction
Ms. M. Hall's sister, Rikki Renee Reid, walks across the street to introduce herself while we're working in our yard. She points out her sisters and brothers-in-law, offers a handshake, then departs with a smile. What a friendly neighbour!
Mid-late May 2008
Somebody’s watching me, I always feel like, somebody’s watching me
Over a span of approximately two weeks, one of us has managed to transition from Ms. M. Hall's sister's "nice to meet you" good graces to a paranoid "stop watching me, leave me the fuck alone!"
We've been splitting time between our apartment and the house, moving and cleaning. This is only the second encounter with our single mother neighbour across the street, who relays her new perspective by screaming and waving her arms. Huh, how'd that happen?
October-November 2008
Save the animals
Place holder.
October 2008-Present
Place holder.
January-December 2009
Save the animals
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
May 12, 2010
Place holder
Place holder.
May 12, 2010
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
September 9, 2010
CP/GO 2010-55063 - The Day of the Bread
Re: "One more step and Norm will fucking kill you, Buddy"
264.1(a) Uttering threats
423. Intimidation
140. Public Mischief
Accessory after the fact
September 9, 2010
CP/GO 2010-55075 - Complimentary detailing
Car is "keyed", bumper to bumper by an unknown vandal
September 9, 2010
CP 2010-55175 / GO 2010-55063 - Welfare Lives Matter: Rise of the entitled
Re: addmission of guilt after the riot is settled down, police covering for police: no harm, no foul
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder.
September 4, 2011
Place holder
Place holder.
September 4, 2011
CP/GO 2011-52580 - Place holder
264.(b) Criminal harassment
264.(d) Criminal harassment
264.1(a) Uttering threats
In concert with her partner at the time, Norman Valley:
22.(1) Person counselling offence
  265.(b) Assault
21.(1) Parties to offence
  140.(b) Public mischief
  140.(c) Public mischief
  140.(a) Public mischief
Place holder
Place holder.
March 12, 2012
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
April 7, 2013
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
August 8, 2014
Place holder
In concert with her current partner, Bryce Bocchini:
22.(1) Person counselling offence
  264. (b) Criminal harassment
  264. (d) Criminal harassment
    264.1 (b) Uttering threats
21.(1) Parties to offence
  140. (b) Public mischief
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
October 17, 2015
Come on Buddy, come out of your house. I’ll fucking kill you!
Her current partner, Bryce Bocchini, while he operated a vehicle appearing to be Rob Gadd’s pickup truck:
264.(b) Criminal harassment
264.(d) Criminal harassment
  264.1 (a) Uttering threats / 423. (1)(a) Intimidation
December 12, 2015
Dirty laundry - Targeted misogyny with a dose of racially tinged threats
Re: Bryce Bocchini
  Place holder.