Place holder

Place holder.

Amanda Ann Herba




October 2011
Chunkacabra returns to the wild
After two to three weeks of regular shouting matches at 914 Elsmere, interventions by concerned friends and temper tantrums that begin or end in the middle of the street, Patricia Amond finally throws her daughter out of the house. Tina Marie Kelly is banished to the multi-unit income property depths of the welfare jungle because her uncaring mother just doesn't understand the demands of a welfare slut life. Rikki Renee Reid no longer has a daily partner in crime! No more best friend a few doors down with nothing better to do, no more doubling of police calls, no more "independent witness" rehersals before a policing shitshow, no more over-the-top bruiser bitch and boyfriends!
Mustering every scintilla of self-control we have, our happy dance remains a private affair.
November 12, 2011
Landlords and welfare fraud
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. A. Herba was not present.
Re: A loose dog, Peter O'Quinn, and a silver family van that will become very familiar

See: Peter O'Quinn
February 2012
The replacement
Of course, it couldn't last. Enter Ms. A. Herba, welfare defrauding party skank extraordinaire. Rikki Renee Reid has a new best friend.
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Place holder.
March 4, 2012
Bouncy ball, Act I
Ms. A. Herba, a single mother on social assistance that lives alone with her children (not really, just on paper), comes for a visit without the kids. She brings some Timmies and her brother Jamie instead.
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A. Maybe they are just people walking through the neighbourhood but I seen him yell at people walking by his house.
Q. Okay and what would he yell at them?
A. Fuck you, get the fuck away from my house, why are you on my property, don't bring your, if you have a dog, he'll say don't bring your fucking dog on my property, stuff like that. Don't touch, touch his hedges because he's got hedges, you're not allowed to touch them. My friend Rikki's son has thrown balls into his yard on accidents...
Q. Is this something that you saw?
A. No I didn't see it...
Q. Okay so how do you know that?
A. Because he come running to tell me.
Q. Who would come running to tell you?
A. The little boy, he come running upstairs and he said my bouncy ball went on [my victim]'s yard and he called me a cocksucker and he was crying, absolutely crying and we had to explain to him that he's not, don't let it bug you you know. Amanda Ann Herba, Cross-Examination, October 4, 2012
What a colourful story. "Get off my lawn", eh? We'll briefly explore four years of delusional stalker bitch, almost two years of waddling welfare slut, and guest appearances by a pillhead playing den mother to the damaged youth offenders of Windsor in the details of this day to see where that comes from.

Hmmm. Something is missing. Oh, that's right. No shouting grouch in sight.
See: Jamie Herba, Rikki Renee Reid, Devon Ure
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March 18, 2012
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March 19, 2012
Lesson of the day: Weirdos
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March 20, 2012
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March 21, 2012
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Place holder.
March 21, 2012
1:07 A.M.
Heading out
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March 21, 2012
1:10 A.M.
Nearly four years in the making, shit finally meets fan
343. Robbery
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March 21, 2012
1:12 A.M.
Diminshed return

Place holder.
March 21, 2012
1:13 A.M.
CP/GO 2012-16387 - The Regulators take action
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March 21, 2012
1:15 - 1:25 A.M.
CP/GO 2012-16387 - The Man who wasn't there
Place holder.
See: Peter O'Quinn
March 21, 2012
CP/GO 2012-16387 - Place holder
Place holder.
March 21, 2012
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Place holder.
March 22, 2012
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Place holder.
March 22, 2012
CP 2012-16796 - Wal-Mart mom wants to make a deal
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. A. Herba was not present.
Place holder.
See: Debbie Herba
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Place holder.
May 9, 2012
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Place holder.
May 11, 2012
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Place holder.
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Place holder.
October 4, 2012
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Place holder.
October 18, 2012
CP 2012-65971 - Hood down, CAT walk
Re: an outdoor discussion with Rikki Renee Reid, Norman Valley, Paul Kevin Harper
465.(1)(b) Conspiracy
465.(1)(c) Conspiracy
  423.1(1)(b) Intimidation of a justice system participant or a journalist
  Place holder
Place holder.
October 31, 2012
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
July 25, 2015
Bouncy ball, Act III
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. A. Herba was not present.
Place holder.
See: Devon Ure
July 26, 2015
Bouncy ball, Act III, scene 2
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder.
February 28, 2017
I'm wearing my big girl panties
Place holder.
See: Amanda Herba and Rikki Renee Reid.
April 3, 2017
The triggering
Re: Fun studies Uni brat gets bad legal advice, welfare skank relays it to crazy ho, fun times ensue
In concert with Charlotte Swanson and Rikki Renee Reid:
Place holder.