Justina Trustfund's Canada

Place holder.

North American Pavement Ape Tawnie Danielle Grayer1




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Place holder
Place holder Windsor Police Service Patrol Response
See: Rikki Renee Reid, Windsor Police Service, Windsor Police Services Board, Ontario Police College, Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Scott K. Campbell (January 18, 2014 → April 30, 2008 - October 30, 2015), John D. Liddle, Russell Cornett, Walter Costa, Howard C. Cohen, Jennifer Mannen, Ministry of the Attorney General, John I. Laskin, Gladys I. Pardu, Lois B. Roberts, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder Corporation of the City of Windsor
See: Rikki Renee Reid, ...
September 19, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - Judicial Interim Release Review
Re: Correcting an intentional mistake made by a misplaced green sash - Holly R. Debacker and witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, Assistant Crown Attorney Frank Schwalm for the Crown and "just secretaries"
And also that he not communicate with Rikki Reid... Holly R. Debacker without prompting or request, March 21, 2012
See: witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, unnamed witness for the Crown Paul Brothers, unnamed witness for the Crown Kenneth Burt, (then) Acting Sergeant Keith Broeckel, witness for the Crown Christopher MacIntyre, unnamed witness for the Crown Michael Robertson, Constable Sean Richardson, witness for the Crown Issam Salame, ...
September 25, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - Reasons on Bail Review
Re: Correction seems to make Walter Costa very angry (December 6, 2013; February 14, 2014), this is personal for the public interest
In the circumstances, considering the arguments on both sides, I have come to the conclusion that I am prepared to discharge this bail condition as it relates to Rikki Reid and in doing so, I am compelled to observe that dissolution of his obligation will likely not detract from her ongoing conduct as he has described it to date. Justice Richard Gates, September 25, 2013
See: Holly R. Debacker, (then) Assistant Crown Attorney Brain Manarin, Assistant Crown Attorney Frank Schwalm, (then) Deputy Crown Attorney Walter Costa, (then) Assistant Crown Attorney Russell Cornett, Place holder, Scott K. Campbell (Assistant Cown Attorney Illana L. Mizel - December 6, 2013; January 18, 2014 → April 30, 2008 - October 30, 2015)
December 6, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - The stand up philosopher
Ms. Grayer was not present for these proceedings.
Re: coalescing the vapour of human experience into a viable and logical comprehension

See: Scott K. Campbell, Illana Mizel/Walter Costa (re: Rikki Renee Reid, Devon Ure, Mandy Hall, Shannon Hall, Dillon Gadd, Norman Valley, Paul Kevin Harper)
December 6, 2013
Ontario Court of Justice - Selecting the right Inquisitor
Ms. Grayer was not present in the court house office nor a party to the telephone converstation between two Ministry employees.
Place holder
See: Scott K. Campbell, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
December 19, 2013
"I went to law school"
7:57 A.M. - Arrival, front door is locked (appointment for 8 A.M. - intentional "sit and wait" interrogation tactic).
8:05 A.M. - Doors unlocked (office opens at 8:30 A.M.), entry.
8:10 A.M. - Cell phone and coat placed in a locker.
8:25 A.M. - "Progressive", black supremacist feminist arrives.
8:50 A.M. - Sit down in the office.
9:55 A.M. - Cell phone and coat retrieved from the locker.
9:58 A.M. - Leave building.
9:59 A.M. - Call placed on cell phone (phone records).
I spoke to him for over three hours. Tawnie Grayer, Ontario Superior Court - February 14, 2014
Perjury - fabrication, attempt to show familiarity/thoroughness: explanatory link.
First 6-7 minutes of the "interview":
Place holder.
Next two minutes:
Place holder.
Place holder.
December, 2013
Tabloid time with Tawnie "I can talk to anyone I want" Grayer
Re: "I asked Ms. Reid to have people she knew call me if they wanted to fling shit to balance my report"
Place holder.
See: discredited witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, discredited witness for the Crown Amanda Ann Herba, Susan Hamann (Rainier Cloutier)
January, 2014
Leading through redirect examination in the Court of Critical theory
Re: the "follow-up" phone call, verbal attacks on family members, rebuffed attemps to confim Rikki Renee Reid's slander, a reminder that the all-star Gender Studies Major believes John D. Liddle is an over billing C student, scary legalese to the ears of a simpleton with an actual chip on her shoulder
Place holder.
January 18, 2014
Ontario Superior Court, Judges Chambers - Spurious sua sponte
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. Grayer was not present.
See: Scott K. Campbell
January 18, 2014
Ontario Superior Court - Stupidity and expense. Because SJW.
Ms. Grayer was not present for these proceedings.
Place holder.
See: Scott K. Campbell, Russell Cornett, John D. Liddle
February 14, 2014
Ontario Superior Court - Place holder
Re: defense - it's all bullshit and none of it's good for ya; crown - yeah, it's probably bullshit and we don't want to use it; Campbell - after what I just did, I need the assist
In concert with Scott K. Campbell who, bearing responsibility for the mistake of birth entering the court with libel and bound by both procedure and statute, proceeded to collude:
Place holder.
TODO: John B. Sitter - Electrical Engineering degrees and goal posts - Thursday September 2, 1999 1:00 P.M. (and..., wait for it..., Paul Kevin Harper)
TODO: Malicious breach of privacy
TODO: Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services efforts to correct fabrications, offers to complete the work product again, ongoing effort to keep Ms. Grayer out of sight and mind, refusal to comply with wording (attempted in spirit) of Scott K. Campbell's ludicrous order
October 9, 2015
The Faultless Painter
Place holder
See: Crown Counsel Jennifer Mannen (TODO: seems to go by Epstein these days, verify)
1Required reading (before your commentary might be considered worthy of more than public ridicule): Chomsky, cognitive function, linguistics, propaganda (start with Richard Weaver), critical race theory, more...