Offenders behind a blue wall

In the name of Justice, to Protect and Serve. What do you do when justice is perverted by a criminal personality in a uniform, carrying a gun purchased by the public they ostensibly serve? As it turns out, The Aims of the Criminal Law are more divergent than it would appear from statute alone.

Windsor Police Service Constable Michael Jackson




May 13, 2015
Frabjous day?
At the time of the event, Constable Jackson was not present.
Re: moving day
See: Tina Marie Kelly.
May 15, 2015
CP 2015-34003 - "I will end you brah"
At the time of the occurrence, Constable Norman Armstrong did not have a partner. Constable Jackson was not present.
Re: violent, bastard son of a Reid besetting our home while we work outside; teen antagonism motivated and encouraged by Rikki Renee Reid and Tina Marie Kelly
Video place holder:

See: Tina Marie Kelly, Rikki Renee Reid, Devon Ure and Constable Norman Armstrong.
September 23, 2016
CP/GO 2016-69432 - The Royal we
At the time of the occurrence, Constable Andrew Crossett did not have a partner. Sergeant Steve Betteridge was the officer in chanrge on scene. Constable Jackson was not present.
Place holder
September 26, 2016
Formal notice
Written notice to 25 Windsor Police officers hand delivered to the negligent institution, as defined by §22.1(b) of the Canadian Criminal Code1.
1See: Constable Jon-Michael Woods, CP 2011-40363 (July 12, 2011), for the first instance of confirmation in Police records.
September 27, 2016
CP 2016-70508 - Let's play a game
At the time of the occurrence, Constable Nicholas Perioris did not have a partner. Constable Jackson was not present.
Re: Tina Marie Kelly, friend of Ms. Kelly/customer go-between of Ms. Reid in Ms. Kelly's company, Rikki Renee Reid
Video place holder:

Constable Nicholas Perioris at the front door:

See: Tina Marie Kelly, Rikki Renee Reid and Constable Nicholas Perioris.
April 9, 2017
CP/GO 2017-24727 - Just in case I need to speak with this guy
At the time of the occurrence, Constable Jackson was partnered with Constable Jess Sousane. Sergeant James Lucier was the officer in charge on scene.
Place holder
April 10, 2017
Ignoratio Elenchi
Constable Jackson did not participate in this telephone conversation.
Place holder
See: Staff Sergeant Robert DiLuca