Offenders behind a blue wall

In the name of Justice, to Protect and Serve. What do you do when justice is perverted by a criminal personality in a uniform, carrying a gun purchased by the public they ostensibly serve? As it turns out, The Aims of the Criminal Law are more divergent than it would appear from statute alone.

Windsor Police Service Constable Nicholas Perioris




September 23, 2016
CP/GO 2016-69432 - The Royal we

Constable Andrew Crossett did not have a partner at the time of the occurrence. Sergeant Steve Betteridge was the officer in chanrge on scene. Constable Perioris was not present.

Place holder

September 26, 2016
Formal notice
Written notice to 25 Windsor Police officers hand delivered to the negligent institution, as defined by §22.1(b) of the Canadian Criminal Code1.
1See: Constable Jon-Michael Woods, CP 2011-40363 (July 12, 2011), for the first instance of confirmation in Police records.
September 27, 2016
CP 2016-70508 - Let's play a game
Constable Perioris did not have a partner at the time of the occurrence.
Re: Tina Marie Kelly, friend of Ms. Kelly/customer go-between of Ms. Reid in Ms. Kelly's company, Rikki Renee Reid
Video place holder:

Constable Nicholas Perioris at the front door:

Place holder. Constable Nicholas Perioris, CP 2016-70508
Place holder. See: weaponized POP squad work product (more than one volume), Senior membership, Steve Betteridge, Norma Coleman, Drew Dilkens, Chuck Scarpelli, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Mayor's office, Corporation of the City of Windsor, WPSB
April 9, 2017
CP/GO 2017-24727 - Just in case I need to speak with this guy
At the time of the occurrence, Constable Michael Jackson was partnered with Constable Jess Sousane. Sergeant James Lucier was the officer in charge on scene. Constable Perioris was not present.
Place holder
See: Rikki Renee Reid, Constable Michael Jackson, and Sergeant James Lucier.
April 10, 2017
Ignoratio Elenchi

Constable Perioris did not participate in this telephone conversation.

Place holder.

See: Staff Sergeant Robert DiLuca
August 11, 2022
4:50 P.M.
CP/GO 2022-83590 - That foreshadowing thing they do in stories
Constable Perioris was not present at the time of the occurrence. He is a party to everything that has and will occur.
Re: a manipulative 15 year old single mother does not forget being caught
Place holder.
Welfareville rule (draft): Kill it before it kills you.
See: Cameron Fields (surname?) of 915 Elsmere Avenue, Cara-Lynn Fields of 915 Elsmere Avenue, Detective Renee Coughlin, James Coughlin (January 11 and June 8, 2016), Belinda Pagliaroli (James Coughlin), Constable Perioris
September 9, 2022
5:49 P.M.
CP/GO 2022-83590 - Applied social science
Constable Perioris was not present at the time of the occurrence. He is a party to everything that has and will occur.
Re: a visit by a member of the violent entitlement class sent by a young member of the same class that knew exactly what it was doing
A kid named Marcus has a father

A Stereotype at the door

A kid named Marcus

The effeminate looking Marcus

Marcus: Lethal force available as a remedy at law and common law.
Welfareville rule (draft): Kill it before it kills you.

Stereotype, Marcus' "father":
Lethal force available as a remedy at law and common law.
Welfareville rule (draft): Kill it before it kills you.
See: Stereotype, Crazy Cat Lady associate (Lower-892 Elsmere Avenue, chimpout multiplier), Stereotype's son Marcus, Stereotype's daughter, B of 915 Elsmere Avenue, D of 915 Elsmere Avenue, Cara-Lynn Fields of 915 Elsmere Avenue, Detective Renee Coughlin, James Coughlin (January 11 and June 8, 2016), Belinda Pagliaroli (James Coughlin)
September 14, 2023
7:36 P.M.
CP/GO 2022-83590 - Exhibiting policy before answering questions of law
WPS occurrence #: TBD
Ministry of the Solicitor General political interference/intimidation file #: n/a
City of Windsor file #: n/a

Constable Perioris was partnered with Constable XX at the time of the occurrence. Mr. Perioris and his associate performed a perimeter search along the north fence before entering private property upon which a dwelling is located from the rear. Their two friends entered from the front and approach the main entry door.

Place holder.

Bonus material:
Fabricating evidence

137. Every one who, with intent to mislead, fabricates anything with intent that it shall be used as evidence in a judicial proceeding, existing or proposed, by any means other than perjury or incitement to perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 125.
321 In this Part,
"break" means
  1. to break any part, internal or external, or
  2. to open any thing that is used or intended to be used to close or to cover an internal or external opening;
  3. ...
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 321; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 42.
See: Eric Costaris, Jasmine Mann, Lisa Carnelos, Michael Jason Brisco, Bob Labute, ...
September 14, 2023
7:37 P.M.
CP/GO 2022-83590 - Windsor Police Association: And then they shoot your dog
WPS occurrence #: TBD
Ministry of the Solicitor General political interference/intimidation file #: n/a
City of Windsor file #: n/a

Constable Perioris was partnered with Contable XX at the time of the occurrence.

Place holder.

Nick in the backyard

Couldn't see through the chain link fence?

Place holder.
