Offenders behind a blue wall

In the name of Justice, to Protect and Serve. What do you do when justice is perverted by a criminal personality in a uniform, carrying a gun purchased by the public they ostensibly serve? As it turns out, The Aims of the Criminal Law are more divergent than it would appear from statute alone.

Windsor Police Service Patti Kelly




March 21, 2012
CP/GO 2012-16387 - Not Guilty
Re: after being detained on a provincial offence with penal consequences, judged in the statutorily mandated manner and found not guilty
Place holder.
See: Acting Sergeant Peter Mombourquette, Constable Peter Gacanin, Constable Khrystye Hamlin.
March 21, 2012
Place holder
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. Kelly interacted with Constable Jennifer Crosby.
Place holder.
April 18, 2012
Guilty until proven innocent - Place holder
At the time of the occurrence, Ms. Kelly interacted with Constable Jennifer Crosby.
Place holder.
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder.
August 24, 2013
CP/GO 2013-61701 - Hello, Police? We have a problem. They're still breathing.
See: Tina Marie Kelly, witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, unnamed witness for the Crown Constable Kenneth Burt, Constable Marcel Sarkis
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder.
September 10, 2013
Precognitive victim prevention
Negligent investigation
Malicious prosecution
Place holder.
September 16, 2013
CP/GO 2013-68255 - We're from the government and we're here to help
11:10:51 A.M. - Arrival
11:12:49 A.M. - Door knock
11:13:22 A.M. - Door answer
11:14:12 A.M. - Discussion with subject begins
11:17:13 A.M. - Discussion with subject ends
11:17:44 A.M. - Departure
See: WPS Patti Kelly, Officer Bender
September 17, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - Mistrial application
Re: "He's already made his decision," says the court reporter on a break during trial
See: Scott K. Campbell, John D. Liddle, Russell Cornett, Court reporter B. Snider, Court clerk/registrar J. McAdams
September 19, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - Judicial Interim Release Review
Re: Correcting an intentional mistake made by a misplaced green sash - Holly R. Debacker and witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, Assistant Crown Attorney Frank Schwalm for the Crown and "just secretaries"
And also that he not communicate with Rikki Reid... Holly R. Debacker without prompting or request, March 21, 2012
See: witness for the Crown Rikki Renee Reid, unnamed witness for the Crown Paul Brothers, unnamed witness for the Crown Kenneth Burt, (then) Acting Sergeant Keith Broeckel, witness for the Crown Christopher MacIntyre, unnamed witness for the Crown Michael Robertson, Constable Sean Richardson, witness for the Crown Issam Salame, ...
September 25, 2013
Ontario Superior Court - Reasons on Bail Review
Re: Correction seems to make Walter Costa very angry (December 6, 2013; February 14, 2014), this is personal for the public interest
In the circumstances, considering the arguments on both sides, I have come to the conclusion that I am prepared to discharge this bail condition as it relates to Rikki Reid and in doing so, I am compelled to observe that dissolution of his obligation will likely not detract from her ongoing conduct as he has described it to date. Justice Gates, September 25, 2013
See: Assistant Crown Attorney Frank Schwalm, (then) Deputy Crown Attorney Walter Costa, Place holder.