True or False?

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An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.

Steven Weinberg

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Non sequitur - deductive reasoning's failing grade

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Early transcendentals: First-order predicate calculus

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Modus ponendo ponens

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Informal fallacies

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Reductio ad absurdum and the Strawman

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False dilemma

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Loaded question

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Hobson's choice

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Cop Fu - the art of creating truthfull bullshit to recount later

This section is dedicated to the men and women of the Windsor Police Service who provided a uniformed street thug introduction to a subject that the authors believed was isolated to playgrounds and school yards.

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Sovereign power and Separation of Powers post-1982

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Social science wielded as a divining rod to easy excuses

There's no such thing, only simpleton practitioners.