- Home
- Notebook
- Taking action
Enforcing the Rule of law
Are you equal or not?
- Gathering evidence
- Define your goal
- Plan for safety, then prepare for the worst
- Assemble your tools
- Tell someone
- Git 'er done
- Court of Ontario
- Sureties to Keep the Peace (peace bonds)
- Common law - individuals likely to commit property offences, "keep the peace"
- Added to Criminal Code in 1892, codified magistrate practice
- Criminal Code sections:
- "Preventative" restrictions on liberty = punitive
- Balance of probabilities standard
R. v. Soungie, 2003 ABPC 121 (CanLII)
- Crown policy:
- An arrest warrant should be sought, as opposed to a
summons, to ensure appropriate release conditions are imposed
(character attack lacking due process via statute,
acknowledgement that the accused attending court after
reciept of summons is detrimental to the character attack).
- Ensure the court considers 810(3.1), as required.
- Oppose the imposition of a peace bond on the complainant (a
mutual peace bond). If this is considered by the court, an
adjournment must be sought to permit the complainant
opportunity to obtain legal advice. Re: witness walks in and,
without notice, walks out with a recognizance.
- Correctional Service Canada
- Used to extend punishment after sentence served (analysis
of "The Case of Mr. Z" to follow:
Let's Talk Vol.31 No.3
Hint, Crown Counsel Roger Cutler: "Are there reasonable
grounds to fear that Mr. Z will commit a serious personal
injury offence on his release?" is not what the plain
meaning statute says, nor is this generalization to public
safety the intent.
- Public Safety Canada
- Citizen's arrest
- Federal (Criminal Code offences)
- Section 494, Arrest without warrant by any person
- Provincial (non-criminal offences)
- Highway Traffic Act
- Liquor License Act
- Trespass to Property Act
- Private prosecutions
- Summary
- Hybrid
- Indictable
- Civil tort
- Private Attorney General
- Going public
Further reading
Material referenced in these pages or suggested.
- Department of Justice
- Ontario Police College
- Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
- Ombudsman Ontario
- Egon Bittner
- John Van Maanen
- Herman Goldstein
- Laura Huey
- Scott, Michael S. Problem-Oriented Policing: Reflections on the
First 20 Years. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 2000.
- Harmening, W. (2010). The criminal triad: Psychosocial
development of the criminal personality type. Springfield:
Charles C. Thomas.
- Davis, S. (2006). Community Mental Health in Canada.
Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Hart, C. (2013). High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of
Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and
Society. New York: Harper.
- Andrews, D.A.; Bonta, J. (2010). The psychology of criminal
conduct, Fifth Edition. New Jersey: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.