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- Notebook
- Social science, law, and societal norms
Consilient introspection
Please note: This is a work in progress. Expect to find broken
links and missing pages, copy and paste confusion, etcetera.
A lawyer says: "All lawyers are liars". This sentence is false. The
preceding statements are probably true.
- Scientific method
- Scientific rigor:
- clearly defined terminology [check]
- quantifiability [working on it]
- highly controlled experimental conditions [fail]
- reproducibility [fail]
- predictability and testability [colossal fail]
- Error functions
- Randomness
- Probability: a measure of sets in an abstract space of events
- Experimental design
- Correlation does not imply causation (risk factor - "something that is positively correlated")
- Social construction of diagnostic criteria
Thou shalt not answer questionnaires
Or quizzes upon World-Affairs,
Nor with compliance
Take any test. Thou shalt not sit
With statisticians nor commit
A social science.
W.H. Auden,
"Under Which Lyre"
- object/structure/nature/simplicity vs. subject/process/culture/complexity
- Construction of violence dynamics
- Quantifying means and ends
- Quantitative and Qualitative methods
- Univariate and Bivariate data
- The reasoning of a blind man in a dark room looking for a
black cat which isn't there: x3 - 15x - 4 = 0
- Statistics - measuring, controlling, and communicating uncertainty
- Coefficient of correllation and regression to the mean
- Collinearity and Orthoganality
- Regressors and postestimation computation of probabilities
- Predictor and Outcome variables
- Nominal and Ordinal Outcomes
- Fuzzy set analysis
- Random Forests, Random Survival Forests
- Feature vector, Feature space, Feature construction, extraction, selection
- Classifier combination
- majority vote weighted method
- Fuzzy Random Forests
- Corporate book making: Actuarial "science"
- Actuarial Risk Assessment Instruments (ARAIs)
- Problemization of an individual or group: political, theoretical, empirical
Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the
majistrate is not enough; there needs protection also
against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and
feeling; against the tendency of society to impose,
by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas.
Mill, On Liberty
- The Eupsychian Network
- Epistemic grounds for content-independent coordination, consent, procedural fairness, and self-governance
- How can you be sure that you have a personality?
- Pharmaceutical:
- Pathological:
- What if I have recourse to those who say, 'What now if the sky were to fall?'
- Ciceronian paradox of equity
- Nam in medio stat vertus, says the King (For virtue lies in the middle)
- The truth lies somewhere in the middle, say little men embracing tyranny while playing at being King
- Political morality
- Hart
- Dworkin
- Binding legal obligation
- Applied science
- Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
- See above :-)
- Back-propagation networks
- Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing
- Genetic algorithms
- Control Systems Engineering
Further reading
Material referenced in these pages or suggested.
- Fisher, R. A. 1956. Statistical Methods and Scientific
Inference. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
- Tukey, J. W. 1984. The Collected Works of John W. Tukey.
Edited by W. S. Cleveland. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Advanced Books.
- Place holder.